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Prince Jalani


Prince Jalani is an engineer from NIT Tiruchirapalli and MBA from IIM Ahmedabad.


He is a serial entrepreneur in tech and wellness space. He held senior leadership roles in breakthrough startups which made huge impact in the lives of millions of people all over

the country through education and healthcare for more than a decade.


Just like any middle-class guy, he failed, struggled and surged. He had a bunch of dreams and a vision for future. His undying learning attitude and a deep passion for personal growth, kept him moving forward.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help people find natural, safe, self-help and immediate solution to manage stress and distraction. To get focus, relaxation readily available to them at their choice of time. 


Most of the times its not just the one thing, but the combination of many things that helps us achieve our goals and live a fulfilling life. We strongly believe in every aspect of it. That is what we at Night and Mind have been continuously working on. To help our customers built strength, calmness and longevity in their pursuit of fulfilling their potential and live a life of their choice. 


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