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We offer great guarantees. Buy with full peace of mind.

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Get 2 guarantees when you buy Songbird.

7-Day Happiness Refund

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Don’t make a yes or no decision today. Make a fully informed decision. The only way you can make a fully informed decision is on the inside, not the outside. 

So you get on the inside, try Songbird and all its benefits and see if everything we say on our platform is true and valuable to you. Then, if it is, that’s when you decide to keep it. 

If it’s not for you, no hard feelings. If you are not happy, we are not happy. For any reason whatsoever, if you want your money back you can get it because we only want to keep your money if you’re happy. All you have to do is go to and tell us “refund my money” and you got it. 

6-Week Find Calm-Mind Guarantee  

We guarantee you that you will get Rs. 4999 worth of value and service from us to support you. 

To avail this guarantee, you have fullfil following conditions

1. Use Songbird for 2 hours daily. 

If you don't see following benefits in 6 weeks, you get your full money back and 6-weeks worth of free Songbird use and training. 

1. Increased ability to induce calmness at your choice.

2. Experience happiness and joy throughout the day.

3. Better Sleep

4. Able to focus for longer time

5. Decrease reliance on your smartphone for relaxation.

6. More connect to your surrounding with increasing mindfulness.

All you have to do is go to and tell us “refund my money” and you got it. 

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